#73 - Mental Health
Real wages decline because inflation is higher than wage increases.
Mental Heath
Liberal and conservative perspectives on mental health reflect their broader views on healthcare and social policy.
Liberal Perspective
Liberals prioritize mental health as a public health issue requiring robust government intervention and funding. They advocate for:
Expanding access to affordable mental health care, often through programs like Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act.
Increasing funding for community mental health services and schools.
Promoting mental health parity to ensure coverage is equal to physical health.
Destigmatizing mental illness through public awareness campaigns.
Example: Liberals often support legislation that mandates mental health coverage in all insurance plans. The main drawback here is that those in control of mental health could use it as a controlling rather than theraputic device, as the Russians did to a whole continent in the 1800’s.
Conservative Perspective
Conservatives emphasize personal responsibility and the role of private organizations in addressing mental health needs. Their approach includes:
Cesation of eletronic shock, psychotropic drugging and other “treatment” or “theraputic” actions that may be harmful or inflict
Encouraging private sector solutions, such as workplace wellness programs.
Advocating for faith-based and community organizations to provide mental health services.
Opposing overly expansive government programs, focusing instead on targeted reforms to improve efficiency.
Linking mental health to broader societal issues, such as family stability and substance abuse.
Example: Conservatives may support reforms to reduce inefficiencies in Medicaid but resist expanding it universally.
Key Differences
Government Role: Liberals favor expanded public programs; conservatives focus on private initiatives and targeted government interventions keeping it out of the hands functionary govrenment bureaucrats. Mental Health is subjective and entirely moderated by executives of the Amerian Psychiatric Association whose members vote each year on what to include in or add to or remove from The Physician’s Desk Manual.
Access and Funding: Liberals emphasize universal access, while conservatives advocate cost-effective, localized solutions.
Focus Areas: Liberals highlight parity and systemic funding; conservatives tie mental health to personal responsibility and community support.
These differences shape how each side addresses mental health challenges in society.
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