Overall Plan
Bring education back to classic standards and change the system so that iy functions as a representative service and not a dictatorship. Return to traditional subject matter and methods resulting in a good education for our children and successfully extend our culture forward.
Textbooks, materials and curricula may be perfectly acceptable at the time they are approved or even for a while after they are put into use. You may discover something negative about it or it just becomes irrelevant because of changing times or it just didn't keep up with current technology. Whatever the reason is, the textbook, material or curriculum needs to be removed, replaced or changed.
Establish a regulation that every textbook, material and curriculum is reviewed after a fixed period of time and re-authorized for another period of time guarding against items becoming fixed in perpetuity, there because they are neglected or there because they are being shielded and protected from view.
1. Who are the players
School Board
School Staff and Administration
2. Worthwhile Purpose – Keep all textbooks, materials and curricula fresh and up-to-date and remove anything that turns unpopular or counter-productive or at cross-purpose to established goals and purposes.
3 Who’s In-charge – Bill (a fake name - write the real name here)
4. How is it Organized
Decide on virtual and/or in-person meetings.
5. How Reorganized - make sure there is a well-defined process for regular inspection and reorganization, if needed. An internal watchdog group might fit the bill.
Target Date
90 days.
Vital To Do
Get a comprehensive list of textbooks, materials and curricula. This may be a large project and best approached by dividing the work among several smaller groups who can concentrate on smaller areas of data. (this list may already exist and may be kept in some form in the library, Purchasing Department, School warehouse as an inventory list or in school administration. Do a little detective work to see if you can discover it.)
Try to predict whether you will need a petitions, demonstrations, protests, rallies and printed or digital media material to persuade people to your cause.
Get a comprehensive list of items under consideration.
Find out where the control resides and who holds the authority regarding this subject.
Write up your proposal and have an attorney check it to make sure it's legal and worded properly.
Promote, lobby, debate as needed.
Make the proposal
Find or establish an efficient way of reporting that easily reaches the general public.
Statistical Measurement of Progress
Number of items reviewed.
Number of items converted to new Re-Authorization action.
Number of reports published.