
180 Day Review Period.

Problem or Observation

Some approvals seem OK at the time, but don't look so attractive later on. If you do change your mind or discover a problem that was not noticed before, there is usually no way to cancel it or rescind it. You're just stuck with it. A textbook or other approval may have unintended consequences and there needs to be needs to be some mechanism to get it back.


New laws or approvals should be temporary provisional or probationary for 180 days so we have a chance to see how they work out and see if it should become permanent.

List all people in all of the organizations related to the project and log what you know about them.


Who Are The Players

Local or state government or school personnel, state, local or regional teachers, parents, students, this group.

Worthwhile Purpose

          1. Know who and something about who you are trying to persuade or present to.

          2. Being familiar with who's who will help plan how to target other projects.

          3. Uncover other issues.

Who Is In Charge?

Is this an individual or group activity, Who's in charge? Bill (a fictitious person – write real name here).

How Is This Organized?

  • Decide on in-person or virtual meetings. Schedule regular meetings or schedule a meeting when needed.

  • A list should be kept in a database, spreadsheet, text file, card file, folders.

  • The activity could be divided up and assigned to various individuals

  • Decide on Verbal Discussions, Online Events, Regular Meetings, Written Reports, Telephone Meetings

How Is This Project put “back on the rails” if it falters in any way?

If something goes off track or circumstances change, notify Bill and an emergency meeting can be called to fix what's wrong or reorganize it. Be sure that all members of your group know that such a policy exists and that they can use it. Make sure they speak up.

Target Date

90 Days

Must Do – Absolutely Vital

Have a place for the list to reside.

Find out who all the players are.

Conditional Actions or Projects

  • Publish reports depending on what is found.

  • Execute petitions if needed to find out information or get something done.

  • Decide how to use the list.


  1. List all the people on the school board.

  2. List any relevant people in school administration.

  3. List any relevant staff.

  4. Decide how to keep and maintain the data. A database or list might have the following fields:

    1. Name

    2. Title

    3. Gender

    4. Age

    5. Marital Status

    6. Educational Degree

    7. Job History

    8. Year Elected

    9. Political Affiliation

    10. Supported By

    11. Philosophy

    12. Issues

  5. Identify sources of information.

  6. Start investigating and exploring.

  7. Add to the list as data is gathered.

  8. Verify data.

Statistics and Measurement (productivity)

Number of people and items investigated

Running total of names on the list.


There should also be a similar provision whereby a school board could rescind a previous approval with a unanimous vote anytime.

There could be a provision for emergency approvals, but should require a public declaration and unanimous approval.

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