
If you wanted to control what people think, then you need to be in control of the education process from A to Z. The goal? Turn the county to socialism or communism or Marxism. Make everyone a slave, take away any freedoms people have and redistribute wealth evenly to everyone.

How do you do it? Fortunately for us, Piven & Cloward (two well-known 1960s radical leftists) outlined it. Frances Fox Piven is a professor of political science and sociology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Richard Cloward was an sociologist and liberal activist and Piven’s spouse.

The four steps of the Cloward-Piven Strategy:

  1. Overload and Break the Welfare System

  2. Have Chaos Ensue

  3. Take Control in the Chaos

  4. Implement Socialism and Communism through Government Force

It’s simple to adapt to education, really. Using the Cloward & Piven formula;

  1. Infiltrate the system (in this case, the school system). Get on the school board.

  2. Undermine the system. (Become an expert and then point out how bad the system is). Sabotage it if you have to.

  3. Propose a solution. (make sure it’s a government solution and you, as an expert, know how to fix it).

Voila! You’re in-charge of the system.

So, maybe there are experts and maybe the system does need to be fixed, but “red flags” should go off when you hear “that doesn’t work” or “I’m an expert.”

Not everybody is evil. The percentage of actual bad guys is only a few percent. You get a lot of gullible people who blindly follow these guys. There are a lot of “useful idiots” who who want attention or want to feel important. The result. We are left with things like Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project, trophies for everyone, the destruction of anything Constitutional, kids who can’t think,\ and sex education for five year olds.

On a purely objective basis, America is falling behind. A few years ago, we were the first in the world in reading, math and science. No longer.

Now, we argue about masks, vaccines, LGTB, CRT and white supremacy. What about reading, writing and arithmetic?

Working it in reverse:

  1. Figure out who infiltrated the system.

  2. Figure out what was sabotaged.

  3. Figure out what faux solutions were enacted to “solve” the problem.

The exact opposite is probably as simple returning to traditional and classic education with emphasis on reading writing and arithmetic Or, another way to do it:

  1. Look at all the solutions put in place.

  2. Assess each one for fake problems or infiltration.

  3. Fix it, if needed.

Borrowing from Ben Franklin who famously said, “A republic, if you can keep it.” It’s your education system, if you can keep it.

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Roberto Publico

A Patriot and modern pamphleteer.


#44 - Weaponizing Psychology


#42 - Methodology