#18 - Human Relations
We’re in love with technology. In school, we correctly emphasize STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). They are essential for anything we do in the future. These days, you can’t be a student or have a class without computers. It’s getting to the point where you’re not a person unless you have a smart phone.
And people can’t live without their technology. Just try to take away somebody’s cell phone or computer. You’re liable to get knocked in the head.
What are we coming to?
Technology is good and it’s really convenient and fun. Emphasizing it in school is the right thing to do. The thing that’s really a travesty is that abilities to talk to and interface with people seem to be passé.
That’s unfortunate. The most popular celebrities, the most successful business leaders, the most effective politicians all have one common trait - they are strong communicators. They can stand up, speak and influence others.
But, we don’t teach that anymore. If you want to talk to someone, send them a text or email or “talk” to via social media platforms.
What we need is old fashioned personal relations. Leadership, interpersonal relations, conflict resolution. If someone can do all that, they go to the front of the class or the top of the organization. The high-tech stuff is good and it’s good to study, but the human relation stuff is indispensable.
We’re doing our kids a disservice by letting it slip from view.
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