It’s quite easy to lie. There are any number of ways to lie to or fool people. Bamboozle them.

You can physically hide something. Put it in the closet or under the bead or disguise it so you can hide it in the open. Whatever technique you use, it boils down to physically hiding it.

If it’s an idea or concept, then the game is different. But, there are plenty of ways to keep people from viewing the truth. One would be to just redefine it, then use it as you wish using YOUR definition of what it is. What could be easier?

The next is to give it an intimidating Latin name and then define it with great pomposity showing that your knowledge is really deep and unassailable. Anybody who knows that term must be really smart. Intellĕgo.

You could also say that this “authority” or that “expert” say so and so supporting your point of view.

You could also find an institution or organization to endorse your point.

The simplest way is to just outright lie. Tell a bald-faced lie. Just make it up if you want.

You could use any of the traditional debate fallacies. Straw man, red herring or attack the other guy, for example; try to win the argument that way.

That would be a form of deflection. Or you could just deflect it directly - just don’t answer the question - tap dance - go on to something else.

Another method is to get the Media or some well-known person to lie for you. If you’re really convincing. you can get others to lie for you and you’re less likely to be caught.

Why is this important? It seems like lies are everywhere in education. We’re being lied to all the time. There is certainly some truthful data out there. But, there is a ton of data that is less than 100% truthful. By knowing some of the techniques, you might be able to spot when somebody is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Bamboozling you.

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Roberto Publico

A Patriot and modern pamphleteer.

#25 - Keep going…


#23 - Progressive Education - Opinion