
Students are inherently curious and enthusiastic. There are momentary barriers and setbacks, but kids usually rebound and are revitalized without much difficulty.

If a student is going through a difficult time, you need to help them. Whether its just empathy or actual help with homework or a project. Don’t be apathetic or abandon them.

But, let’s back up a minute. First, you have to be in communication with them:

  • What classes or subjects are they part of?

  • How is it going?

  • Who are their teachers and what are they like?

  • What does your student think of the subject, materials, learning conditions and content?

  • What friends, enemies and acquaintances do they have and what is happening with them?

  • What’s going on socially with the student?

  • What is popular and fashionable today (or not)?

These are just some of question you could ask. You will probably think of others. It is probably not as important what you talk about as it is that you just talk to them.

To be negative for a moment, consider what it looks like if you’re unresponsive, dismissive, invalidative or critical. It might cause a temporary upset or it may setup a long-term or permanent affliction.

That’s probably not what you want to do. Even if it’s just asking them how their day went, it’s worth the time and effort invested.

Support your students. Nurture them. Talk to them.

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Roberto Publico

A Patriot and modern pamphleteer.


#35 - Projects


#33 - Variable Truth